
This page describes how to install APPFL on a machine independent of operating systems.

Conda environment#

We highly recommend to create new conda environment and install the required packages for APPFL.

conda create -n APPFL python=3.8
conda activate APPFL

User installation#

For most users, including data scientists, this simple installation is sufficient for running the package.

pip install pip --upgrade
pip install "appfl[analytics,examples]"

If you want to even minimize the installation of package dependencies, you can use:

pip install appfl


torch may need to be updated manually to supprt CUDA. Please check GPU support in PyTorch.

Developer installation#

Code developers and contributors may want to work on the local repository. To set up the development environment,

git clone
pip install -e ".[dev,examples,analytics]"

On Ubuntu, if the installation process failed, you can try:

sudo apt install libopenmpi-dev,libopenmpi-bin,libopenmpi-doc