First run: MNIST#

We present how to run an example federated learning script on the MNIST dataset using APPFL. We first make sure that the APPFL package and its dependencies are installed and change the directory to examples directory.

git clone
pip install -e ".[examples]"
cd examples

The first example can be simply run using the following command, which launchs a federated learning experiment with five clients. The federated learning server and five federated learning clients run serially on one machine for simulation.

python ./ --num_clients 5

If we want to run synchronous FL experiment in parallel using MPI, we can run the example using the following command.

mpiexec -np 6 python ./


-np 6 in the above command means that we are launching 6 MPI processes. If you do not explicitly specify –num_clients, then the number of clients is equal to the number of processes minus one (one MPI process is used as an FL server), which is 5 in this case. You can also explicitly specify the number of clients, e.g., –num_clients 10 will launch ten FL clients with two clients running serially on one MPI process (also, one MPI process is used as an FL server).


mpiexec may need to specify additional argument to use CUDA: --mca opal_cuda_support 1

If we want to run asynchronous FL experiment in parallel using MPI, we can run the example using the following command.

mpiexec -np 6 python ./


For asynchronous communication, the number of clients is exactly equal to the number of MPI processes minus one, so we are launching 5 clients running FL asynchronously for the above command. We do not allow more than one client to run serially on one MPI process for asynchronous cases as it does not make sense.

As the package name suggests, in addition to general differential privacy techniques, APPFL also provides two special synchronous privacy-preserving algorithms, IIADMM and ICEADMM. We can run the privacy-preserving federated learning (PPFL) algorithms by running the following command.

mpiexec -np 6 python ./ --server IIADMM
mpiexec -np 6 python ./ --server ICEADMM

We can also simulate PPFL using the gRPC communication protocol. The following command launchs five MPI processes, with one running the gRPC-based FL server and four running the gRPC-based FL clients.

mpiexec -np 5 python ./